
How to hike FASTER!

General Tips 1.  Pace Aim to finish the day walking the same speed at which you started. Think rhythm and flow. Tortoise rather than hare. 2.  Pack Adjustments Regularly make small adjustments to your pack’s harness, hip belt, shoulder and stabilizer straps. Alternate the weight of the load between your shoulders and hips. By fine-tuning your load in […]

How To Beat Fatigue

Whether you are starting to work out for the first time or you are an avid athlete, muscle fatigue is a normal side effect of exercise that may put a damper on your routine. Fatigue is your body’s way of adapting to a fitness regimen and making you aware that you have reached your metabolic/psychological […]

Why People Quit during SELECTION

Why Candidates Quit During Selection or the Pipeline: Physical /? Mental Toughness Failure: I have discussed this term “mental toughness” and tried to define it many ways, but it is critical in your success in any of these programs. You have to understand that the physical challenge gets so overwhelming that you have to dig deep […]

Why SOF is Key (what you should know)

The Importance of Special Operations Forces Today and Going Forward In the post-9/11 period of war and subsequent military drawdown, Special Operations Forces (SOF) appear likely to grow in numbers, funding, and importance—but not necessarily in general understanding. One of the most flexible and useful instruments in America’s national security toolbox, SOF are regularly referred […]

Don't just say and repeat a catchy phrase of Never Quitting (that's for those who don't get it)... Instead, live a SELFLESS lifestyle and you will find it difficult to quit even when you face the ultimate challenge! For those who were SELFLESS and made that ultimate sacrifice... we salute you! no one special

Basic Rappel Seat Knot

Basic Rappel Seat. Although you may or may not use this at selection, it is a fundamental knot that you will use in almost all of your challenges in the future.  In addition, it is a good tool to have in your field craft knowledge bag!

Different Ways To Make Your Feet HARD

It is beneficial to have tough skin on your feet for rucking, running and just a lot of time moving around in boots.  We have tried a number of techniques for toughening the skin over the years. What is written in this entry is purely one of our personal experiences, rather than specific recommendations. We’ve included a […]

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Things To Remember

The challenge you face is not as complicated as you may have dreamed it up to be in your own mind. Here are some key things to remember when you are moving through this challenge: The day must come to an end. Everything evolves around chow (they must feed you). The worse thing that they […]



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